Friday, January 06, 2006

Go Away Pat Robertson!

Pat Robertson thinks Ariel Sharon's stroke was some sort of divine retribution for his political concessions in Israel.

He commented:
"Mr. Sharon "was dividing God's land, and I would say woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease" the European Union, the United Nations or the United States, Mr. Robertson said.
I never read that part of the Bible.

You know, the part that says you get a cerebrovascular accident when you are overweight and divide Israel.

Hey I wonder what Mr. Robertson thinks the miners were being punished for?

Or maybe Aunt Tilly who has diabetes. Or what about cerebral palsy, what are those people being punished for? Or everyone who gets cancer.

Or maybe has an auto accident.

Or those Americans who have died or lost limbs in Iraq? Hey wonder what they were doing?

Gosh, Mr. Robertson's God has been busy lately. The emergency rooms are busy with people with strokes, heart attacks, pneumonia, falls, burns and illness.

Hey Mr. Robertson....keep your hate to yourself.

My God doesn't hand out disease as punishment for your particular political agenda.

My God may have been behind the divine inspiration of man, but we are not angels. We are mortals. We suffer from diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and yes we have strokes.

So keep your meanness and nastiness to yourself. Go find yourself a place to hide and please don't pour out your vitriol on the American airways where people who suffer from diseases and afflictions for no necessary reason must add to their sufferings guilt and anger about a God that has punished them for no particular reason.

You represent what is wrong in America Mr. Robertson. You spread hate instead of love. Intolerance instead of understanding. And yes, even to the point of endorsing violence against your fellow man.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:56 AM  
Blogger afb said...

Robertson is an official nut case. Well said Bob!

I wonder if Robertson's comments will hurt or benefit his deal to build a Chrisitian Theme Park in Israel?

3:59 PM  

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