Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kerry Campaigns in New Hampshire!

John Kerry was back in the 'Granite State' yesterday campaigning for Manchester Mayor Robert Baines.

John Kerry in New Hampshire in January, 2004

Kerry commented to the New Hampshire Sunday News about the Senate's closed session:
"It is impossible to hijack an institution by its own rules," Kerry said. "And so the Republicans are whining and crying to try to once again hide their unwillingness to tell America the truth. All that we tried to do was hold them accountable, to have the investigation into the intelligence that led America to war that they promised us. And just as they didn't tell us the truth about that, they haven't lived the truth with respect to that investigation."

Kerry said the tactic was effective. "It got what we wanted, and we're moving on.

"And who are they to talk about hijacks when they're the authors of a thing called the 'nuclear option' and they want to terminate the ability of the United States Senate to do what it's done for years," he went on, referring to a procedure some Republicans have threatened to use to stop a possible Democratic filibuster over judicial nominations.
He went on to discuss the challenges facing Democrats in America today:
"The Republicans have been putting, over the years, greater energy into that, and we're now very focused and very determined to fight back on the issues that really make a difference to people.

"We don't have any committees, we don't have the White House, we don't have the Supreme Court. So this is where we begin, right here."
Beginning right here, right now. Isn't that what it is all about?

And as for his plans for 2008? Kerry commented:
As for his own Presidential ambitions for 2008, Kerry told the Sunday News he will make that determination "sometime in the future."

How much of that decision will depend on who else is running? "None," he said firmly.
Keep that door open Senator Kerry! America knows that it made the wrong decision in 2004! America knows that religious values are about what you do to help people, to heal the world, to bring people together in understanding, respect, and love. America knows that you walk that walk. We got your back John!



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